How to Clean Salt from Car Floor Mats

Whether you are an everyday driver living in the salt belt states during the winter, or happen to frequent the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah hoping to break a land speed record in your daily driver, odds are salt has made its way into your vehicle one way or another. With the help of WeatherTech FloorLiners and All-Weather Mats, the salt can be kept from harming the interior carpeting of your vehicle and other components. When spring comes around and it’s time to clean them, however, what is the best way to remove salt from car mats?

Dirty FloorLiner

One of the most common ways of removing salt from car mats is good old-fashioned elbow grease. In conjunction with our TechCare® FloorLiner and FloorMat Cleaner, using a hand held scrubbing brush will help to remove salt stains after allowing the cleaner to soak into the mat. Adding more cleaner as needed will also help to continuously lift the debris before rinsing all of the dirty water off.

FloorLiners with soap

A more modern take on keeping the salt in the shaker and off your floor mats is by using a brush attachment with your favorite handy household drill. While using such an attachment in circular scrubbing motions in addition to our TechCare FloorLiner and FloorMat Cleaner, the lifting and releasing of those stubborn salt blotches that plague your mats will be a breeze.  

When all is said and done, your FloorLiners or All-Weather Mats should be looking like-new again, free of salt and any other debris that might accrue. Along with this, keeping your mats protected from future grime is just as important as cleaning them. After drying them with a microfiber towel, use our TechCare® FloorLiner and FloorMat Protector to protect your mats from anything else nature decides to throw at them.

FloorLiner being cleaned  Clean FloorLiner

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