Top Winter Pet Safety Tips

Winter is here, and while it may be fun frolicking through the snow with your pet, the weather can be dangerous. Salt and cold can be hard on your pet and cause injuries. Here’s some top winter pet safety tips to help you get through the winter months with ease!

 Top winter pet safety tips for your dog

Pet Safety in Cold Weather 

Cold weather isn’t just dangerous for humans, it can also affect pet safety and health.  While we’re able to easily bundle up in coats and boots, our pets need some help. Pet safety tips for cold weather include: 

Pet safety tips for winter weather

Tip 1: Limit time outside

Extended time outside can cause issues such as frostbite and hypothermia. Pay attention to changes in behavior or movement, which could be a sign that your pet’s safety is in danger. Remember that each pet has a different tolerance level to the cold, so what’s good for your husky may not be the same for your dachshund.

Tip 2: Buy a pet sweater

If your pet loves being outside in the colder weather, consider investing in a pet sweater. While they’ll look adorable, it’s also an important part of pet safety. The material will help keep your pet warmer when temperatures drop. 

Tip 3: Don’t leave pets in the car

This is one of those pet safety tips that’s also good advice for the summer. Extreme temperatures inside your vehicle can be dangerous to pet safety. Keep your pet at home unless you are travelling to the vet or other pet-related errands. They’ll be safer in the comfort of your home versus the cold temps in your vehicle! 

Tip 4: Give your pet extra food

Cold weather means that our pets burn calories more quickly. Giving them a little extra food will help keep them at a healthy weight while they’re enjoying snowy days, which also gives them extra protection from the cold. Be sure not to overfeed though - putting extra weight on your pet can be just as bad!

Skin and Paw Protection Tips

While we’d all like to keep our pets snuggled up inside with us all winter, they do need to go outside for potty breaks, walks and to release some pent up energy. Here are some top winter pet safety tips to follow when bringing your dog outside.

Winter paw protection tips

Tip 1: Towel dry pets

Going from the cold, wet weather outside to the warm, dry air inside can wreak havoc on everybody’s skin, especially your pet’s. Keep a towel by the door so that you can dry them off after a romp outdoors. This will help keep your pet’s skin from drying out and flaking (and also help keep the snow outside!).

Tip 2: Get a pair of pet booties

Your pet’s feet are unprotected from cold surfaces in the winter, putting them at risk of frostbite. Many brands of sidewalk deicer can be dangerous to pet safety as well, especially if they lick it off of their paws. A good pair of pet booties will give them all around paw protection - safety from the cold, provide more grip on icy surfaces, and keep their paws protected from hazardous materials.

Tip 3: Pet safe deicer

If there are icy areas around your home that your pet frequents, make sure to use a deicer that has pet safety in mind.  This will not only help keep your pet from slipping on the ice, but also keep them from coming in contact with toxic ingredients. You can find this in your local pet store - pick some up the next time you’re shopping for pet food and toys!

Those are our top winter pet safety tips! Is there anything else you do to keep your pet safe in winter weather?

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